Acting Classes and Camps for Teens
So you’re an Actor !
Or you are curious to try.
Why is Spotlight the right choice for YOU !
- We help you and your parents make the right choices and set you on the path to success. No experience necessary to start this journey.
- Training should be ongoing. Move through our Classes and Camps with confidence.
- Learn how to create opportunity for yourself, land an agent, book roles, make new friends and have tons of fun networking with your Spotlight Family. .
Acting Classes for Film & TV
These dynamic ongoing introduction classes are aimed at the student who is curious about what it takes to get started as an actor.
Spotlight Academy Camps
These camps will combine the technical, practical aspects of acting in film and television which are often excluded in "on-camera acting" courses.
WE have walked in your shoes.
WE have dreamed your dreams.
WE know what it takes to get YOU where you need to GO.
Spotlight Instructors have over 450 Professional IMDb credits between them . (click here to learn more)
Our Students Work

Click on the image below to see our Spotlight Student Hall of Fame

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